For the last few weeks, I have had a vase full of lilacs in my kitchen window. The scent has permeated the house in almost a cleansing fashion.
However,I have had my doubts about our little lilac bush. For the past three years,I have watched my little bush stay the exact same size, small with just a few blooms. So this year, I had given up hope of getting the large lilac bush I saw in my gardening books. I even did a bit of research to find out what type we had. We even talked about moving the bush into a sunnier location.
One day after work, my Hubby came inside and said you have got to come out here and look at the lilac bush. Something had happened this year, it was now three times as large and full of blooms. The blooms are so fragrant I can be in the very back of the house and still smell them.
Needless to say, I have enjoyed every moment of its beauty and fragrance this year!