Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Stork is Bringing....

We recently found out that our little number four is going to be a BOY! Boy oh Boy, we are really excited. With two little girls and one little guy, having another boy in the house will even the playing field.

I still can't imagine what our new little guy will be like. I remember when I first saw Double D, he wasn't what I was expecting. First of all, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. Coming from two brown haired, brown eyed people, it was a shock. But after my shock subsided, pure love flowed from my heart for my little guy.

Also, being an ultra girlie girl, I was worried that I would have a hard time adjusting to boy things. But now, I can't imagine what my home would be like without the trains and dinosaurs all over the place! I love having a little boy.

Now our dilemma, the name game. We are having a hard time coming up with the perfect little boy name. Naming our three other little ones have been easy and they came rather quickly. However, we do have guidelines for naming our children. No trendy names, boys have to be Biblical names and all our children have to have names with several nicknames. Since I was named Lori...and there is no way to shorten it or it have a nickname, I wanted to give my children options with their names.

We are very excited to meet our new little guy, just a few more months and he will be here!

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