I'm not sure about you, but I get Spring Fever every year around December 26. Once the holidays are over, my mind races with thoughts of tasting my first garden tomato and the sweet smell of lavender in the air. Yup, I've got gardening on the brain.
This year, I started early. Actually, I started in December reading gardening books. While most people where holiday shopping, I was spending my evening pouring over fruit, vegetable and back yard orchard books and loving every minute I might add!
Since this is the first Summer in five years that I WON'T be pregnant, my honey and I have decided that it's finally time to add on to the garden. Right now, I think we are going to redo the entire vegetable garden so it will give us a place to walk as well much more usable space. We plan to have four raised beds and two of them having trellises for peas and green beans.
This year, I am planning on using Mel Bartholomew's square foot gardening method. If you haven't heard of this method,
here is a little brief summary. I love, love, love it. I think because it is a great way to organize and keep your garden weed free! Did I mention organize? LOVE-LOVE-LOVE IT!
The books above are just a few that I read. Out of all the books, (and there were many) I did fall in love with one particular book. One that I kept ordering over and over again at the library. The book Landscaping with Fruit by
Lee Reich is a MUST read. Not only are the pictures G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, he simply explains how to fill your yard with fruiting trees and bushes. Now thanks to him, I
HAVE to have some fruiting bushes, right? So along with the extended vegetable garden, I will be adding Nanking Cherry Bushes, Alpine Strawberry Bushes, getting more blueberries and if my husband's not looking add a red currant plant or two!
If you get one book at all this Spring, I simply request that you look into getting the book Landscaping with Fruit. I promise, you will want to rush out and plant every type of fruit tree and bush once you have read it, I know I did. Jason has had to talk me out of several things already!