Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Taking A Break

With my new little one due to arrive in just a few short days, 17 to be exact, I have decided to take a break from blogging. I want to focus on getting the house ready as well as spending as much time with my two little ones as I can.

We have a few fun day trips planned (if my body will hold out) and one very special day that My Sweetie and I have devoted entirely to the kids.

Please pray for me. I get a bit nervous before each C-section. While I am up right away afterwards and usually doing things I am not suppose to be doing, I still get nervous. The thought of Sitting in the operating room while they give me my epidural makes me queasy. (Last time they hit a nerve.)

I look forward to being with you all again soon and showing off our new edition.

God Bless You, Lori


Emily said...

Enjoy your bloggy break with your sweet ones! I'm sure preparing for the baby will be fun as well. It is always a bit of an overwhelming task, but also so exciting! :)

I'll be praying for you and your baby girl as your C-section approaches. I can't wait to hear of her safe arrival!

Magnolia Cottage by Lori said...

Thank you Emily! You are so sweet!

I hear that they are planning a 20th reunion for our class at DC. So, I am hoping that I may get to meet you in person!! :)

Blessings to you with your pregnancy too! I actually thought of you today when I headed to the pretzel factory! If you lived close I would have gotten you one!!!! I know how the those pregnancy cravings can be.

Blessings, Lori

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Enjoy your break and your time with your family! I pray that all goes well! I've had that same surgery 3x myself and I always think the worst part is when they pull out that big needle:) After that it's all downhill, right? I pray so, at least!