Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A 2 Year Old and Her First Chore Chart

I have always felt strongly in favor of chores. I think it is important to teach my children a strong work ethic early as well as having the children feel like they are doing their part to take care of their home.

Sissyboo does really well following directions and she is always eager to help. With starting a new year, I wanted to start her on her first chore chart. I found some great customizable chore charts at MoneySavingMom.com

Sissyboo's chores are the following:

~Clean up toy boxes in the am. (All the main floor toys are put away seperaly in white plastic boxes. Each toy has an individual box. No new toy comes out unless the other one is picked up and put away).
~Help set the table (we are currently doing training on where the spoon, fork and butter knife are to be placed with this printable table-setting placemat).
~Wipe down her part of the table after each meal.
~Clean up toy boxes in the pm.
~Brush Teeth (while this isn't a chore, it is to her! She hates to have her teeth brushed. It takes two of us to hold her down to get her teeth brushed...actually it's a chore to me too.)

Sissyboo gets a sticker (which she loves) for each chore accomplished and at the end of the week, will receive an age appropriate reward.

If anyone has any suggestions on other age appropriate chores, please pass them along my way.

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